The Norwich Society's AGM took place on Tuesday 25th April 2023 at 7pm at the Forum, Norwich. The voting took place in person. Jon Boon was elected as Chair, David Taylor as Vice-Chair and Secretary and Willem Buttinger as Trustee. Neil Sturgeon was re-elected as Treasurer, and Simeon Jackson, Michael Jordan, John Howkins and Alan Theobald were re-elected as Trustees.
The Norwich Society's AGM took place on Tuesday 28th June 2022 from 7pm at The Forum, Norwich. The voting took place in person. The officers were all re-elected and Alan Theobald joined as a Trustee.
The Norwich Society's AGM took place on Wednesday September 22nd from 7pm at The Forum, Norwich.
As the event itself was socially distanced with a limited capacity, a postal vote system was implemented to ensure everyone could take part. Members received a voting ballot paper as well as other documentation in the post. The Officers were all re-elected, while Peter Threadkell, John Howkins and Michael Jordan joined as Trustees.
The Norwich Society's 2020 Annual General Meeting was postponed due to the coronavirus.
Although the year's Annual General Meeting (AGM) was put on hold, as the Society's constitution restricts the length of time a member can hold office, it was therefore necessary to make new officer appointments to the Executive Committee. These will be submitted for formal approval at the rescheduled AGM.
In the 2019 AGM, members were asked to vote on a change to the Society's constitution. The resolution to move to Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO) status was passed and if approved by the Charity Commission will take force at the 2020 AGM.
Paul Burall was elected as Chair of the Executive Committee, Barry Howell as Vice Chair, David Taylor as Secretary and Simeon Jackson as Officer.