The Norwich Society


TALK Balloon Mania in Norwich 1784-1840 by Ian Smith

  • Thu 23 May 2024
  • Open to all
  • The Forum, Millennium Plain, NR2 1TF
  • 10:30 am
  • £8.00 non-members / £4.00 members

The appearance in Norwich from 1784 of balloons filled with hot-air, later with hydrogen and much later with coal gas was greeted with growing enthusiasm among the population which quickly developed into ‘balloon mania’. This talk will examine the impact of balloon mania on city life and how these early balloon ascents rarely went smoothly. It will identify some of the worst mishaps and also look at how hoaxers took advantage of the often-credulous population

Since completing a post-retirement BA and MA at the UEA, Ian Smith has pursued his special interest in Georgian Norwich.